
Year Three

Lesson Two

A childhood favourite for most adults, in Lesson 2 we are making Fish Fingers!

Download and send out the remote learning pack to the pupils in your class. Please don’t share our resources outside of your school’s pupils and keep the site password between yourself and other staff members. We ask this to protect our small business. However, if you like our resources, let us know and please recommend us to others when you can!

The pack contains a link to the lesson video with Mr D which your pupils can cook along to at home or in school (key workers). It also contains the recipe, a nutrition lesson and a follow up activity. You may choose to download the nutrition and use during a remote lesson.

Feel free to get creative with the lessons as they work great as writing stimulus as well as including great opportunities for maths (fractions, measures etc). The list is endless so feel free to adapt and set your own follow on activities!

All of our remote learning resources will be available during the National Lockdown.


Year 3 will be introduced to new skills such as breadcrumb making and handling fish during this lesson. Through the Nutrition PowerPoint, you can teach your class how fish goes from the sea to our plates and the benefits of eating oily fish! Mr D will demonstrate how the pupils can make these easy childhood favourites in just a few simple steps!


Remote Learning Pack
Lesson 2 – Fish Fingers

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